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Writer's pictureAdam Cassar

Q is for... Quake 2: Call of the Machine

Updated: Apr 17, 2024

Platform: Steam

Genre: First Person Shooter

Completed: 19/02/2024

Quake 2 is without a doubt a classic. It's been a favorite of mine for as long as I can remember. From its gameplay; level designs and down to its music, I was always had a reason to return to it again. I've played the original; the expansion packs; the original in co-op and even the original in VR.

So when the game was re-released with a new campaign, I was definitely intrigued in giving it a go.

Now a few friends and my brother had told me that, while it is Quake 2, it is nothing like the base game.

The first thing you notice is that you actually play as 7 different marines. I mean, sure, they sound the same and play the same, but they are different people. You start off as one in a hub area and you deploy other marines into different areas to collect data discs. It would have been nice if they were slightly different. Maybe the grunts sounding different or one of the marines was a woman, but I suppose it was easier to keep the same template throughout.

The next thing you notice, (although you may notice it first) is the gameplay. Call of the Machine is "What if Quake 2 hooked up with Serious Sam: First/Second Encounter?" This is exactly what you get.

You have the aesthetic and atmosphere typical of Quake 2 but the hordes and intensity of Serious Sam: First/Second Encounter. And there is practically no warm-up. Sure, some missions start off with a few enemies, but you already sense that all is not right. You feel, compared to the base game, there is just that little bit more of them.

And suddenly, that dial gets ramped up to 11 and snapped off. I swear there was so much happening at once at times that I barely knew what was going on around me. And the game absolutely loves it when you lower your guard.

Survived a massive horde and catching your breath while the lift comes down? Let's have a mini-boss there for you. Finished killing the level boss? That's ok, here's his children now.

I died. A lot. But thankfully the game does autosave at regular intervals, which I was so grateful for.

I think my only complaint - a minor one - that I had, was that sometimes my frame rate would drop or some enemies would freeze in place. But I am not entirely surprised with what was going on. If anything, I am happy I didn't encounter anything worse.

Might not however play this one in VR if a mod is made for it. I doubt I would be able to handle that level of intensity.

Next up will be - Red Glare

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