Platform: Steam
Genre: Adventure Completed: 08/12/2023
When I started the challenge to get through my backlog of owned games, one of the temporary rules I had set in place was that if I already had a game installed with the matching letter, I should finish it first before installing another.
This was the case for Alfred Hitchcock Vertigo.
I had acquired the game as part of an adventure game bundle and installed it shortly after. However, I had tried on three separate attempts to start the game but simply could not motivate myself into it. It was no fault of the game. At the time, it simply was not what I was looking for. So, the game sat on my desktop in "one day" purgatory...
...until December 2023. I had decided that this would be the first game to start my A to Z challenge. Part of me was worried that since I failed to start it before, I would abandon my challenge before it even got started. But I was determined.
And my determination paid off.
Initially, I felt like I was pushing myself along; trying to get myself through the start; trying to like the characters - especially Ed Miller; and trying to make sure that my investment wasn't going to go to waste. And then, I broke through.
I was gripped by the story and its twists and turns; by the mystery as each layer unfolded. I was eager to put in some time where I could. What probably helped was that I realized there was no risk of a Game Over. (Or if there was I never encountered it) So in essence, I found myself playing an interactive story.
For me, it was the story that sold it to me in the end. While there was nothing too graphic, the implications were all there. And while I cannot say too much without the risk of spoilers, it is all down to the characters and their motivations that spur you on.
It just took me that initial plunge to get the ball rolling.
Next up will be - Beyond a Steel Sky